PodcastsAugust 30, 2018<August 30, 2018 In Conversation with Dr. Ify Aniebo: The GMO issue (Part 1) This interview is the first part of a three-part podcast interview that I conducted over Skype with Dr. Ify Aniebo, a genetics scientist and…
OpinionAugust 26, 2018<August 26, 2018 Matters arising from JAMB: A Review of JAMB’s 2018 Policy Meeting Presentation by the Registrar, Professor Ishaq Oloyede This post is based on data extracted from a presentation during JAMB’s 2018 policy meeting, delivered by the Registrar, Professor Ishaq Oloyede, in June…
OpinionAugust 19, 2018<August 22, 2018 Leap of Faith: the return of faith based schools to their founders by Lagos state government The issue of faith based school in the present day Nigeria has been of interest to me for a while even though I had…
OpinionAugust 13, 2018<August 22, 2018 The joys of mathematics: a maths autobiography I read a blog post “Math autobiographies” by Kent Haines, a middle school math teacher in the US, who wanted to know more about…
Book Reviews, The BookbagAugust 8, 2018<August 8, 2018 A review of Annie Dillard’s “The writing life”: seeing writing through metaphors The line of words is a hammer. You hammer against the walls of your house. You tap the walls, lightly, everywhere…Some of the walls…
OpinionAugust 5, 2018<August 5, 2018 DATA and Victimhood: the unfortunate situation of out-of-school children in Nigeria Recently I read an article online in which the author emphasised the need to report data through story and not story through data. The…