While I do not have a direct experience of most of the challenges facing the #Almajiranci education system in Nigeria, I have some suggestions on how I think they can be addressed. My suggestions are informed by my experience and knowledge of educational methodologies and alternative education provision, particularly at the communication education level and lifelong learning.
These are some of my suggestions on the issue:
Government need to properly define ‘compulsory education’:
Another option I have been thinking is that the gov't should make it mandatory that children of particular age brackets must be in school during term time, on weekdays and within certain time of the day. #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
Good public education should be made accessible to families:
You've raised many issues that are valid in their own rights but they are obviously bigger than what an 'education reform' can achieve. The mainstream system should be made accessible and alluring to families. That way many families will see the immediate benefits. #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
Registration of #Almajiri schools should be made mandatory:
Would a law making it mandatory that the Mallams that run the #Almajiri schools should reg with d gov't work or not? Also the issue of adoption or fostering is important. The gov't need to define in what capacity(ies) the Mallams are acting. #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
The system should be integrated into the mainstream education system:
Would complementing the system with engaging the public education sector's policy and delivery for improvement yield better outcomes? #StudiEDAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
The Nigerian education system needs to widen its provisions:
One issue with the general education system in Nigeria is that it's too narrow in its provisions for addressing its alternative education provisions i.e. the normadic ed in the '80s; VET; and Adult ed. #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
Integrate subjects like Maths and English language into the system:
Do they take other subjects like Maths and English? #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
Government should make births and deaths registration with local governments mandatory:
Then laws on child labour, compulsory: education and registration of births and deaths, might help in addressing the problem. Also providing financial incentives i.e. soft loans or access to cheap renting of farm machineries could be helpful. #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
The Emirates have a key role to play:
The Q is 'why can't the Emirates take it upon themselves to act?' #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
There’s need to find a centre point among all stakeholders:
So how can we get to meet at the centre and agree on common definitions of key terms and terminologies on the issue of #Almajiranci? #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
Use advocacy to engage with communities:
Not sure of "…community leaders…" but I'm in support of radio advocacy. @justempower's model is a very good one that can be adapted. I interviewed one of d co-founders, @meganschapman. #StudiEdAfrica.
Pls check out the transcript of the interview ⤵ https://t.co/35R3gFQMgb— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 13, 2018
The challenges in the system should be addressed from the position of ABCD:
https://t.co/kOnuGrqs1Z #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
Outdoor learning is a good and affordable means of providing education:
I would rather they provide qualified teachers with basic t&l resources teaching the kids in the outdoor, and provide the kids with free meals than the present fixation on: uniforms, (poorly dsgnd & built) modern classrooms and the new fad of "tablet" education. #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
Education practitioners and policy makers can learn from the agriculture and health sectors outreach programmes:
Perhaps, the education sector can borrow from agriculture or health sector and introduce numeracy and literacy instructors that will work with the Mallams in the form of "agric/health extension workers". #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
Education experts should design a model and toolkit that ‘Numeracy/Literacy Field Instructors‘ can work with:
I think d 1st step towards a system of "numeracy/literacy extension officer" is 4 edu people/organisations to dsgn a toolkit and a workable model with which the "officers" can work with. Then gov't institutions can be approached to upscale. #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
We should consider flipping the system:
But why can't we do away with the system, if there are better alternatives that could be used? #StudiEdAfrica
— Abdulghaniy Otukogbe (@otukogbe) May 12, 2018
Please let me know other point/s you think I should have added by leaving commenting in the comment section below.
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Thanks a lot for this summary @otukogbe. Surely, we are ignoring the #Almajiranci system at our own peril. Solutions must be proffered by all stakeholders and an acceptable reform instituted.
We’ll keep pushing for the best for all children irrespective of their socioeconomic status.
Thanks a lot for reading my post and your kind comment.